Highest Rated Comments

jimmybl11 karma

I was at the SB show with a bunch of friends and I had an absolute blast. Hope to see you again sometime soon. Is there any chance that we could see you in Ventura County? Our EDM scene is weak to say it best but would be really great to see you again :)

Thanks for the most excellent music and hope to see you on tour again soon!

jimmybl2 karma

They really don't. I did get to see Excision + Vaski + Paper Diamond last year on Valentine's Day and it was my first EDM show and it was absolutely off the hook.

EDM shows at Ventura Theater are pretty few and far between. I really wish there were more. It's been something we've been discussing in our subreddit lately: http://www.reddit.com/r/venturacounty/comments/25pw1e/local_edm_nights/

Thanks for the reply man :)

jimmybl2 karma

You're right, brain fart! Fixed :)

jimmybl1 karma

Is this going to be similar to the 2010 charity calendar? http://www.redditblog.com/2009/10/i-love-i-love-i-love-my-reddit-calendar.html

jimmybl1 karma

I'm having a hard time communicating what I want sexually from my SO. They are really happy where we are where I'm starting to get bored and really want to get into some serious BDSM stuff...we've dabbled a little but I need more? I guess.
