Highest Rated Comments

jmk4422127 karma

jmk442244 karma

For us skeptics, you should verify that you're really you by making a status update on Facebook. Just write, "I'm doing an iAMA over at reddit" and then link to this thread.

We've been burned before, Mr. Salvatore. Too many times...

jmk442226 karma

After owning Rock Band for the Wii for less than a month my sister banned my niece and nephew (8 and 6 at the time) from ever playing Eye of the Tiger again because she said they played it at least six times an hour and she was sick of it. To this day, whenever she hears this song, she seems to experience some flash backs or something and ends up freaking out. My niece and nephew find this hilarious, as do I. Your thoughts?

jmk442213 karma

Would they escalate things by actually taking shots at US warplanes outside their airspace? Inside it? Could that be a red herring too, I suppose I'm asking, or could that be the surprise/bold move they feel could near this line without crossing it?

I think we all know what happens if they do take shots at US planes, right?

jmk442210 karma

Exactly! I'm sure that the Libertarians want a level playing field though, right? So BP would only be allowed as much to defend itself as the people suing it spend. That's fair.

Oh wait... Libertarianism isn't about fairness at all. Forgot for a second.