Highest Rated Comments

johnnygoette58 karma

That is disappointing. I was definitely one of the ones who ended up joining Reddit after V4, because I was told by a friend it was "like Digg, but with funnier comments". I was sad to leave Digg because it was my first social news aggregate site I was really into, but it was time. Thanks for doing the AMA.

johnnygoette17 karma

If you had a time machine, what would you specifically do to save Digg?

johnnygoette3 karma

I can absolutely shave my head and attack people with umbrellas. Don't know if I can pull off sequin spandex though.

johnnygoette2 karma

What's it like working with Matt Lauer?

OK for real though, will you be my trophy wife? You may also have to be my sugar momma seeing as you make much more money than I. Essentially, can I be the Kevin Federline to your Britney Spears?

johnnygoette2 karma

I would do more for Natalie Morales than I would for a Klondike bar.