Highest Rated Comments

kaffis38 karma

I absolutely adored the Wing Commander series for the way that you were expected to fail missions and the story would just branch to adapt. It made for a much more lifelike story and a much more satisfying conclusion when you fought back after losses to recover enough ground to win the war!

kaffis19 karma

Hi, Chris. Thanks for making great games!

  1. Which Wing Commander-universe game is your favorite? What do you think you did best in it to stand out compared to the other ones?

  2. We hear you had a demo/meeting with the Oculus Rift team recently -- what did you think?

  3. Is there any chance of seeing some preliminary information about how you want to implement jump point exploration/charting? There's speculation that you'll have to fly/maneuver through some kind of course, is that wholly or partially accurate?

  4. There are lots of popular space settings out there -- what are your favorite aspects of some of them that you admire and want to draw inspiration from?

  5. When you approach ship balancing, will the goal be to have, say, an eight-man ship balance against 8 single man fighters, assuming similar skill levels and all posts manned?

Thanks for your time, Chris -- I'm eagerly awaiting concept art for the pledge ships; Nothing sells the project to potential pledgers like pretty art to drool over!

kaffis13 karma

That's a quite insightful and honest assessment, Chris, thanks for that! The casting, in particular, makes so much more "sense" now, and it's interesting to finally hear why you were on the tight schedule you were.

kaffis12 karma

Will you, in the vein of pushing PC as a cutting edge platform, be dropping DirectX 9 support? Windows XP will be officially end-of-life by the time the game releases, after all, and DirectX 9 has only hung on as long as it has because of consoles, IMO.

kaffis9 karma

Thanks, Chris! Funny, I've never heard of The Forever War. Off to buy a book!

If you're around for a quick clarification, will ship maneuverability factor into charting new jumps? That question mostly stemmed from people wondering what makes the Freelancer a better exploration vessel than the Constellation, since it seems the Constellation might be faster based on the listed specs.