Highest Rated Comments

kateykmck1457 karma

Does anybody else think of the guy in that secrets thread who still lives in the bunker of a house he sold to someone...?

Edit: Okay, okay, apparently I haven't posted the link enough times! http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t0ynr/throwaway_time_whats_your_secret_that_could/c4zrenn

kateykmck12 karma

Risky click of the day. Did not regret, would [and will] click again.

kateykmck3 karma

Oh come on man, you've spent how long writing about Lloth and her followers are a few spiders are stopping you from coming here? Heh heh ;)

I'd love to see you come and do a signing or a meet and greet at something like http://www.supanova.com.au/ this.

And hey, if you ever do come over (if you ever do, Brisbane one please :P Haha), there will always be an open seat at my gaming table for you! (No spiders or snakes, promise.)

kateykmck2 karma

I know you're not here anymore but as a devoted Aussie fan, this was so amazing to read. You have no idea. You're awesome man.