Highest Rated Comments

knitread63 karma

I enjoyed watching your work on Collateral and in the Soloist.

Dumb question here: why is the title, "Sleepless?" I read on IMDB that the plot had something to do with a cop's kidnapped child.

knitread1 karma

Hi Mr. Cleese. My husband's family are big fans of your work. I looked at your itinerary, but unfortunately, you don't have any Canadian dates. Will you eventually make it up further north in NA?

knitread1 karma

Did you learn how to play other instruments? Did you find at some point in your education that you needed to drop an instrument so that you could focus more on the violin, and how did you feel about letting the other instrument go? (Edit: Sorry...I just read about the other instruments that you can play, but if you wouldn't mind answering about how you felt about letting one of the other instruments slide, I'd appreciate your thoughts on that.)

My son plays piano and violin, but at the age of 11, with all the homework that he's getting at school, is finding it difficult to balance everything. He wasn't doing justice to either instrument, but he didn't want to give either up.

knitread1 karma

How did you get into this?

Do you also know how to fly planes?

How would you describe the experience of going up into the sky in the balloon?

This is something that I'd like to try as a passenger, except the thought of being in a small carrier...is kind of scary.