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kravitzm56 karma

How much Law and Order was watched to make Basic Lupine Urology so perfect?

kravitzm5 karma

When we will see the improvements in the Lync Web App, hopefully a Skype For Business Web App?

kravitzm4 karma

Well I'd firstly like to see more ease of use. I'd say 90% of the time my clients attempt to have Lync Meetings with outside parties, I get a call regarding an external user trying to join a Lync meeting.

I've had clients stop using Lync for external meetings and use GoToMeeting because it's easier, and it kills me inside.

Whether it's the plugin wont download or it won't launch in their browser. This goes back to my Skype integration question. Most people have Skype and would find it much easier to join using that.

kravitzm2 karma

With OneNote on Mac and iPad, I am curious, why can't I log in with my office 365 account (as I can on Windows) and I have to use my @live.com account?

kravitzm2 karma

Will Lync be included in the new Office for Mac package?