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krilnon9 karma

Did you go to the Flash gaming summit thing at Adobe SF the summer before you left? I was around for that and there were several Zynga people there. It would have been where we talked about some of the cool stuff you mentioned.

Edit: typo: were -> where.

krilnon6 karma

I have a set of slides from that summit from Zynga's STG Group CTO, so if that was you, you presented. =P

krilnon6 karma

Hmm, neat, then we've probably at least seen each other before. I don't remember who exactly I met there. I worked out of the San Jose office, but I walked past the giant Zynga dog a number of time when I was at the SF office temporarily.

krilnon6 karma

I worked on the cancelled AS4 project at Adobe (as an intern). Many of the PL people and compiler / VM engineers either moved to JavaScript projects or left. For example, my boss now works at Facebook, and my boss's boss (last time I checked) was attending ECMA TC39 meetings (the JavaScript standardization committee) on behalf of Adobe.

So no, Adobe probably won't update AS3 in any meaningful way. They were just finishing up the "Falcon" compiler rewrite when I was there two summers ago, and I think that's going to end up being the last big language change.

krilnon5 karma

I wasn't ever at one of those, but I think you would have been the second youngest. I'm 23 now and was 22 when I was at Adobe.