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lawfulsinner441 karma

Some of the younger generation believes that the UK will be able to offer support and "freedom" but to be quite honest it doesn't seem that the UK will really offer any tangible support. There have been rallies in support of the protestors in UK for sure, but there is no expectation whatsoever. Most citizens believe that it's our fight to fight—while outside support is welcome, there is no reliance on the outside world at all.

lawfulsinner318 karma

I don't think HK can ever attain true independence. I was fine with "one country, two systems" and I always believed that the terms would be re-negotiated with "good behaviour" in the future. Think the protests will not end since we're in a stalemate anyway—either it'll die down or government will shelve the bill for good.

lawfulsinner201 karma

Definitely a fear, considering the photos of tanks assembling near the Shenzhen border and accusations of Mainland police interference, seen during the airport attacks the day before the injunction was signed.

lawfulsinner186 karma

I protested back in June, when the protests were focused on only the extradition law. Now I personally feel the reason behind protesting has become muddled—hence my lack of presence in the recent demonstrations.

Back in 2014, China conceded during Occupy Central/Umbrella Revolution and that directly solved the mass demonstration. Now in 2019, it feels like the US/Taiwan want to get involved in order to utilise Hong Kong as a pawn; US using Hong Kong to leverage against the trade war, and Taiwan to leverage against their own extradition laws. I personally think China is in a delicate situation since if they directly attack Hong Kong they'd be infringing on a lot of economic sanctions that Hong Kong enjoys and frankly, face a lot of shit from the rest of the world—something they don't want right now.

Currently it feels like the city is at a stalemate (albeit a sadly violent one) in terms of Chinese movement, but I am fearful of PLA interference, especially with the movement around the Shenzhen border. But definitely—I think if Carrie + Chinese government had shelved the bill in April, Hong Kong would not be here right now.

Edit: wording

lawfulsinner184 karma

Cafe de Coral; best fried chicken leg!