Highest Rated Comments

levelfive_laserlotus185 karma


levelfive_laserlotus17 karma

Yeah, this is the scary part to me. You obviously haven't learned your lesson and hopefully you listen to some of the people in this AMA before you destroy your life and that of others.

levelfive_laserlotus13 karma

I think your answers are disturbing. You express a desire to cover this up so your fiance won't find out, but you have a dangerous pattern of risk-seeking behavior that will affect her and if you truly loved her you would care enough about her to let her make an informed decision.

You say in various comments that you've done Heroin, day traded substantial amounts of money (which is gambling) and you are engaged in an outrageous form of gambling, meta gambling (you're gambling a speculative currency.) She deserves to know the risks of marrying you because you obviously have little self control.

This subject hits me personally; my Dad was also a mathematics major and gambled away hundreds of thousands of dollars at baccarat because he too thought he could "beat the system." This destructive behavior had a significant impact on my life and the lives of my family.

Don't be an asshole. Be honest about your problems with your family. If you want, seek help, I think you have a legitimate and worrying problem. Good luck

levelfive_laserlotus3 karma


levelfive_laserlotus1 karma

Gotcha! Guess I'm behind the times haha