Highest Rated Comments

lferrante7 karma

You've recently expressed that you're not quite content with your current radio distribution. Are you looking into ways to get better timeslots and more stations? I've been listening for 10 years off and on and am a BSP member. Keep it up.

lferrante4 karma

Will you be doing any live shows in the LA area? Also, do you remember a bit where a guest was going on about giant spiders in the bible?

lferrante3 karma

Have you every thought about using pre-recorded sound voices of your characters so that you can overlap your real voice and have a 'guest' saying something at the same time? Like record 2 different Bobbie segments of 'hmm mmm' (so they sound different) and have them on a sound board, so when you're talking to her you can play the clip so it sounds even more like a real caller?

lferrante3 karma

Bobbie and Steve remind me so much of my grandparents it's not even funny. They're in their 70's now. For example they always repeat whatever the other says over to me even though one is standing right by the phone and I can hear them hah! And my grandma is 'never' wrong. LOL

lferrante2 karma

(like how people talk over each other)