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lolly_lag181 karma

The people have a right to know this very crucial information!

lolly_lag85 karma

You know who you should ask? Her.

The only way to get at the issue is to find out where she’s at. And it could be a billion different things: stress, exhaustion, lack of/wrong kind of foreplay, a sense of pressure to have sex, low sex drive, shame, an emotional disconnect between you, physical issues/pain... so many reasons, and no one else can advise you on them without knowing what they are.

All that said, two things that might help: masturbation and more attention from you. If masturbation isn’t part of your sex, and if she’s into it, bring that in. Trying to get to orgasm when somebody else is doing it can be exhausting, chafing and frustrating. So have some sex for fun, then encourage her to masturbate. If she’s into it, she might be interested in watching you masturbate instead to having direct sexual contact. And neither of you should feel weird about masturbating alone.

More attention is really important, both sexual and nonsexual. If she’s a physical person, more touching, more snuggling, more back rubs. If she’s a dirtytalkin birdie, sext all day, leave her sexy post-its, tell her you appreciate her. Do date nights. Initiate sex when she’s low-stress, relaxed, when you’ve made her feel a lot of good things. “Hey, wanna bone?” shouldn’t be coming out of left field.

lolly_lag85 karma

But it’s “satire,” better known as stating your actual opinion and letting it sit out there if no one calls you on it, or calling it satire if someone does.

lolly_lag11 karma

I fainted once while giving blood and my dream was intensely detailed. It felt like fifteen minutes or more, but it was probably less than 20 seconds.

I’ve read that our minds fill in details upon waking that were only kind of suggested by our subconscious. So our dream is like an outline of memories and experiences our waking mind knows well, so that on waking, we kind of slap textures onto what was actually just a quick fire dump of information.

I believe this fully because my fainting dream was me in a grocery store, pushing the cart and looking at labels. I could remember music playing, the look of the labels, the exact flooring and the feel of the cart in my hands, the smells. I felt like I was walking along, doing my shopping.

lolly_lag11 karma

Oh my.