Highest Rated Comments

lolpancakeslol3808 karma

Gordon, I would love to turn your attention to some of the top rated creations on my subreddit, /r/shittyfoodporn and ask for your expert critique. What do you say?

As you can see, our subscribers are a highly creative bunch. Hopefully their culinary skills will skyrocket them into ranch dressing stardom. You can find these and more over at /r/shittyfoodporn.


Edit: Thanks for the triple gold. Too bad he didn't get to see this, maybe you guys can tweet him or something, I'm sure we'd all love to see his thoughts.

Next time.

lolpancakeslol85 karma

Dan, I am the creator of /r/shittyfoodporn. How do you feel about my sub as someone who enjoys garbage food?

lolpancakeslol57 karma

I'm gonna ask a difficult follow-up question.

I love Rayman too but why is he seemingly completely excluded from the Mario/Rabbids crossover? Him and Mario both have roots as platforming mascots so it baffles me that he is nowhere to be seen.

lolpancakeslol56 karma

You're so confident about it it makes me giddy with excitement.

lolpancakeslol52 karma

Based off of what you guys are saying it's more than likely the guy on /r/games is full of shit.