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madmaxf9 karma

What percentage of opioid overdose deaths started with the user being prescribed the opiod by a doctor vs recreational?

madmaxf8 karma

People who have used them for chronic pain have been cut off

*edit - The issue is people with chronic pain. Phasing them out doesn't really work as they still need some sort of pain management and my understanding is opioids are still the most effective at pain management?

madmaxf2 karma

How much responsibility do you think should fall on patients to do there own independent research? As well as how much responsibility should fall on the doctors to do independent research outside of what their reps tell them?

madmaxf2 karma

Do you have any advice on how to convince an elderly parent/grandparents they need assistance when they do not think they need assistance?

madmaxf1 karma

In thinking about legal opioid use, though, it's important to consider that these drugs can have very significant side effects for patients that do not involve overdose, including emotional dependency, social withdrawal and reduced energy and drive.

I should have reframed my question like this. What percentage of opioid addicts started there addiction legally?

I ask that question because I feel like without answering that question, how can you begin to address the problem? If 80% of opioid addiction begins legally, then I feel a good start would be changing the way doctors prescribe opioids. If 10% of opioid addiction begins legally then focusing on how doctors prescribe medication is a misuse of resources(in my opinion.).