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magneticgumby47 karma

I would not know what to do with myself if there was a one-off Netflix season of The State.

magneticgumby32 karma

I read your description and immediately thought, "Wow, a game dev that has actual experience in a multitude of areas, that's a unicorn". My brother works in the field and I found it astounding the amount of game devs who lack what you'd think would be key essential knowledge to have that position. The only thing I've found more astounding, is the amount of people in the video game industry who don't play video games, play a very very small sliver of games, or have no interest at all in the industry and just see it as a job.

magneticgumby12 karma

Just watched the video having never heard of her before and wow. Her voice is absolutely ridiculous. That was wonderful.

magneticgumby9 karma

I agree completely it is important to have individuals who are experts in their own areas in order to create a thriving team. Having that one person who knows their area to the point where you can empower them to what is necessary is absolutely vital.

It just always baffled me that in his experiences, a lot of game devs are very...narrow (or completely lacking) in a broad experience prior to that role. That can work when on a specified team but I find alarming when it's in a position that has something such as a games scope at hand. Having bits and pieces of knowledge or experience in each area you'd think would be the preferred trait. Again based on his experience, often coupled with that is an inability or willingness to allow others to do their jobs that they're specialized in in an effort to micro-manage. That's why someone such as yourself with multiple experiences prior to the game dev role stood out when reading your comments.

I know it's not just the video game industry as in my field I've come across my fair share of project managers who knew nothing about the factors in the project and make absurd claims/requests and then are baffled when the team comes back that it's not possible. Hell, even had an IT project manager making twice my pay who could barely turn on the computer and host a Zoom meeting. They were ineffective as a PM, to say the least.

magneticgumby9 karma

Leaving your job at the office and having an interest in the field you work in is not the same thing. I'm not saying that people should work on projects past their workday or work insane hours (the video game industry already does that and doesn't need my assistance), I'm saying it's shocking to me the amount of people who work in the video game industry who have little to no interest in it. My brother across multiple companies has met extremes on both ends and happy mediums, to be honest.

As someone who works in education, I can't imagine working in this field and not caring about education. Not to say I don't encounter people like that, hell, some of them are even professors. It just always amazes me how someone can work in a field and not have any interest in it beyond their 8 hours a day. That seems like hell.