Highest Rated Comments

manaie14 karma

Hey guys! The concept sounds amazing, and I love the fact that you're considering levels of engagement that everyone is capable of.

In the same vein, have you thought about other accessibility issues?

manaie7 karma

I've been playing the game recently and it's been so nice to see the chthonic gods portrayed as much as they are! Thanks for such a great game. :)

manaie6 karma

Things like colourblindess, so accessible colours, the options for larger text for anyone with poor vision, or a read aloud function. Things like that! Multiple methods of input is a fantastic option as well!

manaie6 karma

Hey! Fantastic to hear you've reached out to communities to get feedback on the accessibility for the game! It's definitely a great way to see how usable the game is for everyone.

What sort of other concerns than just input have you been looking at/implemented so far?

manaie1 karma
