Highest Rated Comments

manveruppd4 karma

Hey Timo, I loved both your films and I'm eagerly awaiting the next ones, but I have just one minor niggle about Iron Sky: it's set in 2018 and it's frequently mentioned in the film that it's an election year, meaning the previous elections must have taken place in 2014, which, as we know, is 2 years early. Did you ever actually work out a reason/backstory on why there was an election in 2014 (unexpected resignation or death of the previous president or whatever), or did you just come up with the year by chance and only later realise it didn't make sense? :)

manveruppd1 karma

A second question if I may, about the crowdfunding campaign for Coming Race: Is it possible to have a reward tier that includes a DVD of the movie as a reward? I realize of course that the movie would spend a long time in the theatres and a DVD wouldn't come out until several months after release, but I'm sure backers wouldn't mind waiting.

I myself am backing the project anyway, but I'm surprised you haven't reached your goal yet, and I believe it's because people don't feel right backing something that they don't get to own at the end of it.

manveruppd1 karma

Ah, thank you, I was really curious! :)