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marlashannon222 karma

When I get a migraine, any type of movement ramps it up. I had one all day last Saturday. Thought perhaps I was dehydrated, or it was sinus related. Drank a ton off water, took 4 ibuprofen, and nothing helped . Went home and went to bed . The next day, it was as if I was in the verge of a migraine. Like, I didn’t actually have one, but I’d bend over to pick something up and begin to feel that pulsing feeling, and would stop what I was doing for fear of agitating it. Any suggestions on how to avoid this nightmare? Occasionally get ocular migraines too... lol.. called my daughter thinking I was going blind, she knew what is was because she gets them and assured me my vision would return, which it did.

marlashannon83 karma

What drives you to want to create new elements?

marlashannon61 karma

I do chew gum, so I will check that. Thank you. It never dawned on me that it might have aspartame.

marlashannon43 karma

I’m laughing, crying and broke at this!!!🤣🤣 Such creative ingenuity! I’m imagining the brave soul who offered the suggestion explaining his knowledge of said device to the pencil pushers !!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

marlashannon27 karma

Vomiting helps a migraine?!?! Seems like the forced pressure would make it worse.