Highest Rated Comments

meeeeepy54 karma

Can you expand on your comment about making the network unstable please?

meeeeepy20 karma

Idiotic, isn't it? Would you believe it, about a decade ago this was a debate the UK's The Vegan magazine. Like it needs debating?! I got mad and wrote An Angry Letter (grrr!), basically saying if you don't want to feed your cats meat, don't keep cats. They printed the letter, but I doubt I changed anyone's mind. If you're that mad into veganism nothing will sway you.

meeeeepy11 karma

This; so much this. I was 15 years veggie, including 2 as a vegan. Ended up vitamin B12 deficient and depressed, surrounded by pomposity and holier-than-thou attitudes. The raw food people make my blood boil, I've never heard such stupidity.

I hate that I feel better now I eat meat again, but I do, and I wouldn't ever go back.

meeeeepy9 karma

You said you read the Bhagavad Gita and that fitted in with your experience. So I take it you're influenced by Hinduism too?

My own revelatory experience (trauma induced, not drug induced) led me to Buddhism, but it didn't stick. The feeling that it's all...one...is not something you can really take back into the world. It's an all-body sense of blissful knowing, not ideas, beliefs or actions. The closest I can come to my experience is to say there's nothing to fear in death- nothing's ever really gone, the universe is just a giant recycling plant. Extrapolating that out to dharma, rebirth cycles, karma etc is a stretch too far for me. I simply didn't believe all the attendant baggage of a religion.

Not sure I attach any real meaning to the experience now. I'm more of the "it's just chemicals" persuasion. I don't really tell people about it IRL because I feel like a fruitloop.