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menamejmaw4 karma

Congratulations on your achievements! I'm a self-published author of creative non-fiction and poetry so seeing this pop up in my Twitter feed as I'm going through the process of putting another work out was inspiring today.

  1. What advice do you have for writers out there on finishing concepts that have been tabled?

  2. Who is your favorite character in Star Wars?

  3. What do you think of Warhammer 40k? I stumbled upon it a few years ago and I feel like it's sci-fi junk food, I crave it periodically.

  4. Do you read comic books/graphic novels? If so, favorite creators?

Thanks for your time and congratulations again!

menamejmaw3 karma

do you ever have the desire to be on another Reality Show? or was it one and down for you? always wondered what made people go back for me. is the money or fame that worth it ya know?

menamejmaw3 karma

What up Anna! My lady & I love Veep. We've both spent some time working in politics on the state level in Hawaii and as crazy as some of the situations appear, not surprised there is some truth there.

Anyhow, we're wondering who's the least like their character in real life and who is the most?


menamejmaw3 karma

I imagine you learn quite a bit about yourself and human nature in such a setting. Amazing Race would be awesome. THX for the reply!

menamejmaw3 karma

Thanks so much for replying! Your questions in reply to #1 make me think a bit differently about moving on. I've finished quite a few projects but there are definitely those that I can leave behind and I hadn't thought of them as learning projects. Shoots!