miketheboss23 karma7/12/2016, 3:12:05 PM
Hey Tom! Been following you on Facebook. I've got a few questions:
1) Have you had any close calls where you didn't properly ration food or supplies as you head into a remote area?
2) With all that time to yourself, i'm sure you have a lot of time to think. What kind of stuff do you find yourself constantly thinking about?
3) What are your plans once you complete your journey? Are you worried about acclimating back into American society?
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miketheboss2 karma1/13/2014, 1:42:51 AM
How did you determine it was a hate crime?
miketheboss23 karma
Hey Tom! Been following you on Facebook. I've got a few questions:
1) Have you had any close calls where you didn't properly ration food or supplies as you head into a remote area?
2) With all that time to yourself, i'm sure you have a lot of time to think. What kind of stuff do you find yourself constantly thinking about?
3) What are your plans once you complete your journey? Are you worried about acclimating back into American society?
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