Highest Rated Comments

moebiusdev133 karma

I heard that you use Java for Airships: Conquer the Skies: isn‘t that a rather unusual choice for a game (not judging, just seriously curious)?

moebiusdev49 karma

Very good answer - thank you for that! I totally agree to all of what you said: our next (yet unannounced, but already started) project uses Unity exactly for that reason. I have to say: damn it it nearly hurts to see how easy some things are nowadays in Unity, things that took me like at least 2 weeks to implement in my old Java based game take like 10 Minutes to do in Unity now.

I think it is important, as a game developer and also as a software developer in general to always use the right tool for the job. Back then it was Java, today it's easier to use Unity, so that's what you should use.