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monstar2815 karma

Why do an ama if you are in the same boat as literally every other budding indie game dev? I just don’t see how you could answer any real questions in depth just yet. I mean you didn’t even give your specs when asked. Just said it was a rather inexpensive build from 2015. Good luck random dude, but I doubt there is much to learn from you just yet.

monstar289 karma

Not op but I can shed light on what I did to get started. My advice is to choose an engine that you are comfortable with first. Unity is really great to learn with. And it’s free! Unity uses c# which is really similar to java or other object oriented languages. Find a few tutorials online to learn the basics. Most of coding is doing what you know, and looking up the rest. If you know nothing to start, it will be a lot of research. But the cool thing is, you will start to see patterns emerge. And you will find it becomes easier over time.

Having said al that. The biggest personal challenge for me wasn’t even the coding. It was the character design, level design, music, etc. all the other things that make a game good. The art alone took hundreds of hours of trial and error.

For context, I made a game with unity for my undergrad final project for comp sci. I put in over 700 hours, and got one level done. And I wasn’t even fully happy with that one level. I think it went through like 25 iterations.

It takes time but there are a ton of free resources on the internet.