Highest Rated Comments

morolo14 karma

"Just because you can drive a car doesn't mean you should take your little Toyota and race against indy cars and actually expect to win."

What if you only wanted to race on the local dirt track? There's plenty of money and satisfaction to be had. And that's where most NASCAR drivers get their start anyway...

All analogies aside, I disagree with your sentiment. eBooks seem like a viable way to start publishing, and shouldn't require anywhere near the cash you mentioned. In fact, you could probably do it all yourself, spending a few hundred on software if you must. But I am not an author (nor have I been published) so I could be way out in left field here.

What you're saying seems like, "Don't even think about publishing unless you're then next Stephen King, 'cause its hard and expensive" when it seems like there's plenty of room for indie authors.

morolo6 karma

Better, but I don't like the idea that everything you do has to make a profit. Or even be mildly successful. Where does passion come in using that formula?

If your goal in life is to publish a book, do it. Don't listen to people nay-saying or trying to make you think that you're not good enough or don't have the connections (or cash) to make it happen. All you need is word processor and an internet connection.

morolo3 karma

First off, I bought the bundle immediately. Those games look like tons of fun and I can't believe I haven't known of them/you until now! Its gonna be tough to wait until 5:00 to start playing...


  1. What is your personal favorite RPG (any platform)?
  2. What got you into video games and game design? Specifically, what made you start your company?
  3. Have you been doing it full time since you founded your company? Any major ups and downs?
  4. Are you really the only programmer/game designer for your studio?

Keep up the good work, and thanks for the AMA! Congrats on the Humble Bundle success!

morolo3 karma

(obligatory xkcd: http://xkcd.com/137/)

I think we're coming from two very different perspectives (same with other users that are arguing against me). I'm not saying becoming a financially successful author is something anyone can do with a laptop and the internet. Most definitely not! Just as its neigh impossible to get signed by a major record label as a garage band.

Similarly, I would never suggest the garage band stop recording their demo tapes even if they have no chance at becoming huge. Someone's bound to enjoy them! And it may lead to future success!

What I am trying to say is that nobody should avoid publishing their work because of what /u/AngelaSStone said, as if there's no reason at all to share your work with the world if it doesn't promise profit. That mode of thinking is why we are getting force fed bullshit remakes and reboots by the movie industry -- they must make a profit, so their "art" stagnates.

morolo1 karma

Thanks for your answers! And major respect for doing all that work solo(ish). As an aspiring indie dev myself, that gives me hope :).