Highest Rated Comments

mpeskin653 karma

Is there still a place to submit myth ideas online? The only place I could find looks like it was last updated in 2012.

Hope this gets to you because my myth would be

What would happen if a human swam out into the bellagio fountains and was on top of one of the Jets of water. Would he fly up with the water and die? Would the water cut right through him creating a giant hole? Or would he escape unharmed?

Edit : found the thread in /r/mythbusters to submit and submitted this.

mpeskin23 karma

Stefan and Ollie Thanks for doing this AMA!  When I was new-ish to reddit You guys were my first AMA request so I am beyond happy!        How are you feeling Stefan?

Favorite Venue to play around the world?  

How does one Kick out the Epic Motherfucker?  

If you could go bananas anywhere in the world and introduce them to your music, where would you go?  

Were you guys the Bananas in Pajamas guys as well?

mpeskin2 karma

Are you a huge Star Wars fan? Is that where the name came from?

mpeskin1 karma

How would you advice viewing in las Vegas area with all the light pollution?

mpeskin1 karma

What day is it?