Highest Rated Comments

mrozema3 karma

Hey dude,

CHRONICLE was my favorite film of last year and I felt so exhilarated and inspired to get back into film work after seeing it.

I'm curious--why didn't you or Trank end up recording an audio commentary for the DVD/Blu Ray? I'm a huge commentary nut, so--while I happily own the Blu-Ray, I always wish it was a feature.

Also also--how is Trank's FF looking?

mrozema2 karma

  1. In your opinion, what scripts do you think every aspiring screenwriter should seek out and read?
  2. What led to you getting your first job in the industry (re-writing scripts, etc.)?
  3. In your opinion, what is the best unproduced script you have as of now?

mrozema2 karma

Over your career, you've managed to get some incredible interviews with both writers and actors. Have there been any that were particularly nerve-wracking, either because you were a huge fan of their work going in or they have a reputation for being notoriously prickly to journalists?

mrozema1 karma

I'm sure in the course of your career, you've become friendly (possible even actual friends) with the TV people you cover. Is there a general understanding that you won't be holding back when it comes to reviewing their shows or has a review ever costed you a relationship/contact?