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mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr2 karma

Are there any cats on the show? There is a kitty named Elvis on the My Favorite Murder podcast and he is a very good cat.

mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr1 karma

It depends what country you are in. In Canada there are a lot of different roles for forensic social workers, although more of the counselling roles are done by PhD psychologists. The forensic social work jobs are through local health authorities, so you would be looking for job postings there. You likely will need your MSW and depending which country you are in you will need to be licensed to make DSM dx. You may want to consider trying to get a practicum placement in forensic social work to get an idea of whether or not it is for you as burn out is very high.

When I was going through my BSW, I worked in an open-custody facility with young offenders and it was a great learning experience. I also worked closed-custody, but hated it due to feeling like a lot of the staff had very punitive and conservative mindsets and that many of the practices were not condusive to helping the youth reintegrate into the community after their sentence.