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mspoppins18 karma

Yeah true that. Khan Academy is the shit. My mom is very religious (she reads the Bible before dinner to us. We literally just sit there and wait to eat.) As a child I felt confused because growing in a Pentecostal family in Tennessee was hard because I felt ashamed that I had questions on its basis. I wanted to believe so my parents would be happy but soon I shed it. She knows I am slightly religious, meaning I think there might be an entity and accepts it. I love her for it though

mspoppins3 karma

Where will your children go to school if they don't already?

mspoppins3 karma

Do many fundamentalists try to stifle the evacuation with arrests to people for trying, or violence? This is so important, I do love history and though some may see it as futile I think it's super valiant. Thank You!!! :)

mspoppins2 karma

My question is what type of music do you listen to? What you were exposed to or something you happened to like?

mspoppins2 karma

Okay thank you for a good and interesting AMA. This is cool :D