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museofcalliope2 karma

Hello, Dalesha - my mother was legally blind. She gradually began losing her vision around the age of 17 due to a degenerative nerve disorder (which was never able to be formally diagnosed); she passed away recently at 56, at which time she had very little vision in one eye and fairly poor vision in her other eye. Thank you for being so open and answering these questions - using your platform to amplify voices.

My question - my mother always claimed a heightening of her other senses - particularly hearing but also smell, due to her loss of vision. Have you found the same to be true?

She was incredibly independent too. Growing up around her, both my brother and I learned to ‘fill in the gaps’ when we saw her struggling. It became organic to just begin rattling off prices at a grocery store when she was struggling to discern to discern the labels, for example. I always admired her independence and strength.