Highest Rated Comments

musicteach24 karma

I'm sure we can work out a deal. I'm always looking for another fund raiser that doesn't involve selling candy.

musicteach23 karma

Not as of yet....though I'm prepared to have a dance-off where winner takes all. Or possibly assembling a rag-tag group of misfits who can rally around their passion for music and covertly show the town they all love it, too.

musicteach15 karma

As far as improving funding to music education, it's easy to say we need more money--everyone would be fine with more money--but you really do have to look at it in terms of the entire education package. I think what we really need to find are more efficient ways to use the money we have. Investing in the right technologies (that doesn't just mean iPad's for everyone) that will really last for a long time and provide the most opportunities for learning will free up more money for the things that require yearly investments like arts programs where instruments break and need repairs.

I realize I'm biased here, but people need to realize how important music and arts education is to the overall well-being of the student, too. Right now, our curriculum is just geared towards getting kids to pass tests that, in my opinion, aren't great future indicators for success anyway. So we have an entire education system set up to help kids do better on tests that don't really tell us what we want to know anyway. Awesome.

And yes--I ALWAYS treat the behind-the-scenes people well. We all know those the ones who really run this place!

musicteach11 karma

Thanks! It's nice to hear that! You should also make sure the local school board and administrators know that where you live or in the town you grew up. Admins and boards rarely listen to their employees (in my experience) but they will listen to the voting community!

musicteach11 karma

We were all turds to someone......it happens.