Highest Rated Comments

naitfury25 karma

Haha I would've taken it home and planted it in the garden, water it every day.

naitfury15 karma

Do you get the amputated part back after surgery? I mean technically it's you....yours?

naitfury2 karma

I miss UO. Do you guys believe that UO in this day and age, with wiki's and database mining, would still be as much fun?

naitfury1 karma

This is going to be the first time I pledge for a game on kickstarter, even though I've seen so many amazing games on there, this one in itself looks absolutely perfect, exactly like what I have been looking for. For so long.

Few questions, unsure which got answered and which didn't skip whichever was asked before, if you answer this at all!

  • How big are the worlds going to be? Are we talking minecraft GINORMOUS size? Or are we talking Sim City 2012 "I can't fit a damn thing in here now that I am succesfull"-size?

  • What is the main focus area of the game, early, mid or late-game? I ask this because I often restart a game to change a tiny detail, if early game is very difficult or long this might discourage or even encourage that!

  • When can we expect to see actual gameplay footage of you guys playing? How will you plan to keep is up to date of current progress? This is important to me personally because I am investing money into something and it would be a shame if the game comes out and I can't even remember why I got so excited in the first place!

  • The races in the game: Is your focus on just one playable race at first to be expanded by modders? Or will the game release with several playable races?

  • How can I get you guys to release this faster? :D

The game looks absolutely tremendously epicly awesome of godlike proportions. I've been dying for a while to replay something along the lines of the settlers, minecraft, dungeon keeper and sim city combined and it looks like this is it. So much props to you guys, you are living the dream!

Thank you.

naitfury1 karma

Ever went to the Irish office? Lovely place isn't it? Worked there for a short while before going back home to my town in the Netherlands which sports another one of the HP offices!