Highest Rated Comments

narbgarb23 karma

Did anyone ever sell you a white American Fender Stratocaster with an amber-ish color pick guard? Perhaps along with a lot of other gear at the same time? Had an entire car full of gear stolen in Columbus.

narbgarb17 karma

Does it bother you how many artists are more successful than you’ll ever be by play C G Amin F in varying keys?

narbgarb8 karma

Good point. Success is whatever you decide it is. I’ve been in bands and lived off playing music for a few years and found that my ultimate goal is really to just enjoy music. I did not enjoy playing popular music anymore and decided to pursue a different career. Now I just have my studio where I play to myself and I love it again. Congrats on your accomplishments so far. I hope for your continued success... whatever that may look like for you.