Highest Rated Comments

nazznomad17 karma

Hi John- Long time Deadhead here - I have a question I've wondered about for years at shows---- what went on backstage during intermission between set one and two? did the Dead discuss the first set? what they were going to play for the second set? party? meditate? nap?

thanks for helping to make my life very interesting!

nazznomad2 karma

With regard to your work with EFF and Net security issues, where do you think everything fell apart with regard to our current leadership in this country. Obama should have been "our guy" to enable freedoms (both information-wise and personal choices (i.e.- ending the drug war)... and we've found out that he's been anything but a proponent of liberty.

nazznomad2 karma

Bootsy - thank you for the funk. May you funk evermore.

nazznomad2 karma

god bless you for what you are doing.

nazznomad1 karma

the new layout and paper quality is great