Highest Rated Comments

neverProfessional84 karma

Adam over the years you've seemed to rely less on the (shitty) callers that call into your shows and more on your rants. Some fans enjoy your rants just as much as you bantering with callers. Is there a reason why you don't use them for their comedy gold as much as you used to in the past? Also Mangria is fucking fantastic and gets me drunk off of one glass.

neverProfessional35 karma

Thanks for the response. Please consider taking more phone calls sometimes. Especially when you're with Dr. Drew!

neverProfessional17 karma

Wow. This got a response. Awesome.

neverProfessional3 karma

You realize that by your logic a lot of people who give your movie a good rating have to do it based on your political belief as well, right? So that sort of evens everything out?

neverProfessional1 karma

Bryan, huge fan.

What is your official BJJ rank? There seems to be some confusion online. We know you're a grand master in TKD, but what about BJJ? At what point did you stop training?

Edit: Also, your Instagram videos are the funniest things ever.