Highest Rated Comments

nicepeter718 karma

Historical Womanizing World Leader Who Cheated on Powerful Women meets modern day Powerful Woman who was Cheated on by a Womanizing World Leader.

nicepeter346 karma

We are strongly looking at Socrates vs Confucius.

nicepeter329 karma

We met him and he liked our videos. I think.

nicepeter282 karma

Sorry about no response, I was watching Neil deGrasse Tyson videos :)

We decided to use HAL because we didn't want the Bill Gates Steve Jobs matchup to be so predictable. We thought HAL9000 could be brought into represent artificial intelligence and the aftermath of a singularity in computer technology. In other words, no matter what Jobs and Gates accomplished or didn't accomplish, they were gonna end up getting owned by their own computers in the end.

nicepeter270 karma

yeah, that never seemed like a good idea. I mean, don't get me wrong, we could make each other laugh with it, but... it never seemed like a good idea