Highest Rated Comments

nonchalant-hydra2 karma

Hey David! Love the show and love your music, to me I feel it's a huge part of any show especially AD. My question is: do you know when the soundtrack will be available on iTunes? Also: I get up and you here with me are my favorites by you and Gabriel Mann!

nonchalant-hydra2 karma

To be honest some of the funniest moments have to do with the music. I remember when I first watched the episode where we meet the veals, and the music choice closing out on George Michael (gonna get together) just fit so nicely. As well as sound of silence in this season. Really hope we will see arrested development as well as your fantastic scoring in the near future!

nonchalant-hydra1 karma

Thanks so much! And thanks for the AMA! This is an awesome thing that you do with the fans

nonchalant-hydra1 karma


nonchalant-hydra1 karma

Hey damian thanks for doing this AMA. Big ok go fan. I have a couple of questions, not really related to writings on the wall though.

What has been your biggest challenge in life/your career as a band?

If given the chance, would you want to make a collaboration album, and if so, with who?

How did the making of oh no and ok go compare to the makings of your most recent material on your own record label?

Thanks again and I'm really excited for the new album.