Highest Rated Comments

notloz27 karma

Are you in a CBT or DBT program?

Have you studied borderline personality at all? There are good chances for recovery but you will have to put in allot of hard work.


If you do have comorbidity one on one therapy and group would be of most benefit.

notloz26 karma

If possible try to get coverage or access to DBT or CBT therapy. It's hard thing to do, (to research ones own quirks) but it is beneficial to understand things on an intellectual level. it can help quell emotional turmoil and better equip you for more nuanced plan of action. Quara.com has allot of good resources. Don't be harsh to yourself, be hard on yourself in a good way:) Courage kid!

notloz25 karma

*hums the star spangled banner*

notloz25 karma

Part of the charm of jackass back in the day was that it seemed quasi underground something (at the beginning at least) counterculture/alternative. Now I got ads on my youtube constantly about the movie and now a Reddit AMA. Am I the uncool one here? or is it money money money?