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notrichardlinklater7 karma

No, but if someone would drop bombs on my city since before I was born I would just move out.

notrichardlinklater2 karma

I, as propably many other people ''rooting'' for You Mr. Snowden, am really afraid, that one day I would read in the news about Edward Snowden's ''accident''. I know it's a delicate question, but do You think, that there are people in US government that would be capable of doing such thing? Especially when comes to potential other whistleblowers, that wouldn't be fast enough and three letter organization would know about their activity before such whistleblower would pass materials to media.

notrichardlinklater1 karma

Only I thought the OP was mechanic for the US Army belonging to Apache tribe?

notrichardlinklater1 karma

Why don't you move out?