Highest Rated Comments

noyoto24 karma

As another Dutch person, let me just say that I'm quite embarrassed by how the population of the Netherlands is massively showing that while they care about the climate, the only change they're willing to embrace is the kind that is convenient and won't impact their day to day lives. They appear to see their luxuries as human rights and human rights as luxuries. With that said, there absolutely needs to be constant research to make sure the transition is as efficient as possible and the burden can't be shifted solely on the population. But the clock is running out so inaction is just not an option at this point.

How much of an impact can the Netherlands make on emissions by going green? A rather insignificant one. Yet if a small rich country such as the Netherlands won't do it, then all hope truly is lost.

I do think there's a real case to be made for the Netherlands (along with other European and Western countries) to spend its resources on making countries like India more green, which could result in a much larger cut in emissions per euro spent. But would Dutch people really accept large amounts of taxes going to other countries that aren't even in the EU? I'd personally expect an even bigger uproar than currently seen by the farmers.

noyoto19 karma

I need more proof. How do we really know if this guy is a school drop-out who is marketing his product on Reddit while making it seem like he's doing people a service? Judging from the picture, he could just as easily be a succesfull coder who finished his education and often helps people in a humble and selfless fashion.

Please post another picture where you hold you fingers together as if you are scheming, with a bag of nachos and bottle of soda in the background. Only then can we know you are the real deal.

noyoto8 karma

There are two or more people downvoting almost everything. Help me vote the normal comments back up :).

noyoto5 karma

This reminds me of the guy who claims he is capable of telekinesis. It's both hilarious and kinda sad.

noyoto3 karma

I don't think that the Netherlands isn't doing anything. Whether we are doing enough is a matter for climate scientists to decide and the answer is no, we're not doing enough to tackle the problem.

I fully agree with your sentiments of not wasting resources that can be used to do something more efficient, such as using our resources internationally to reduce more emissions elsewhere than we ever could in the Netherlands. But is that what Dutch people are demanding when they complain about climate policies? Will they go out on the streets in equal measures when climate plans are aborted and there's nothing to replace it? Or will they be silent as long as meat, plane tickets and gas don't become more expensive?