Highest Rated Comments

oaschbeidl54 karma

Ah, it's good to see that my beautiful country is known for its traditions all over the world!

oaschbeidl51 karma

Some light hiking on 100ug of acid is definitely enjoyable! I wouldn't wanna run personally, but then again I don't even wanna do that when sober.

oaschbeidl13 karma

Your mom sounds awesome!

oaschbeidl11 karma

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/602331_494990880514619_956559234_n.jpg Is that actually you in the crowd? (Urban Art Forms Festival, Austria, 2012)

oaschbeidl9 karma

When the calm part sets in I'd drop the weights and start crying probably. No gym tune for me.