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ofarrizzle26 karma

Hi Nazanine,

Why didn't the UN prevent the capture of Goma by the M23? I was under the impression that they warned the M23 that they would stop such an advance. Beyond that, do you think DR Congo would be well served by an expanded mandate for MONUSCO? Perhaps a more aggressive force that eliminates the rebel groups which plague the countryside, one which makes peace, rather than keeping a peace that never was?

ofarrizzle8 karma

Given that the Taliban are probably some of the worst abusers of human rights in the world (genocide, forced starvation, ethnic cleansing, terrorism against civilians, etc), is there any attention paid by soldiers to the humanitarian aspects of keeping them out of power? I've had a few friends go to Afghanistan, and they have almost universally had the same opinion as you. Nonetheless, I can't help but think that there are some good reasons for being there (even if they aren't the reasons our government uses to justify the war to the public).

ofarrizzle6 karma

The FSA isn't really a cohesive organization. It's basically just an umbrella term for any armed opposition group that recognizes the Syrian National Council, which is the recognized political leadership of the opposition. There are elements of the FSA that engage in criminal activities, and elements that do not. But those that do typically have few relations with those that don't. Overall, they've definitely weakened, but they're still the strongest force in the south of the country (Daraa/Damascus).

ofarrizzle6 karma

Do you think the UN will end up engaging the M23 if they refuse to comply with the regional leaders' demands? Or will a multinational African force be the only option in the face of the FARDC's ineptitude? That could quickly spiral into a multisided conflict like the Second Congo war.