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opethfan483 karma

There's also a human right to life, but the US still executes people.

opethfan257 karma

Don't be torn, be opposed. There is nothing moral about the monetization of incarceration.

These are people who want to profit from people being locked away.

opethfan42 karma

Sir, Act on Instinct was one of the first songs from a game soundtrack that I ever chose to listen to outside of the game.

And for that, I thank you.

opethfan6 karma

MacBook Airs have very small drives (SSD only) and being partitioned would be noticed by an IT admin in some cases, especially if the computer is returned later on, or is already compromised.

opethfan4 karma

Abortion is one of the few social issues in which I can genuinely see the other side of the argument, unlike gay marriage and marijuana legalization; partially because I'm currently taking a moral theory / contemporary issues class, but also because a topic such as life is so touchy.

Myself, I can only personally "support" selective abortions up to viability. Anything beyond just seems a little too... human. But I'm not Sheriff Mack, so my opinion doesn't count for diddly.

What I would ask of Sheriff Mack is that his belief regarding abortion be based not on religious beliefs or what is popular, but rather on a logical conclusion backed up by various different sources. One article I read, which acts as a secular pro-life position is an article from Don Marquis, and it's a hard position to argue against.

The "family planning" section of the quote is more troubling. Birth control exists to prevent abortions. Give someone a pill or a condom, and no fetuses\zygotes need to be removed. It sounds like a win/win situation.

The US teenage pregnancy situation already suggests that denying contraceptives and adequate education doesn't work, and if it doesn't work, fix it.

In fact, the entire quote should just be:

I support efforts in Congress to prohibit federal funding of abortions and family planning.

And everything after is just added detail to get more people (moderate people, probably) behind the cause.