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pancreasss13 karma

I was tested for Addisons because I have T1 and an insatiable appetite for salt. Like to the point I eat bits of plain rock salt. Thankfully, it turns out I just really like salt.

pancreasss6 karma

The whole autoimmune conditions that tend to come in combos is what made my endo kind of go... uh, we are going to test you for Addisons. My partner always thought it was strange that when I was cooking I’d always put salt in my hand and eat it. And then put wayyyy too much salt on my portion.

It’s something I’ve always done, well before I was diagnosed with T1 diabetes. And I (still) will eat plain butter with salt like it’s candy.

I’m just glad my blood pressure is always on the low side and I’m on statins anyway 😂

pancreasss5 karma

I’m gonna try that. But I’m also probably going to add some rock salt to it. I’m not going to lie.