Highest Rated Comments

par_texx329 karma

For me, it fires me up. Fuck 'em.

My friends like to joke that I don't burn bridges, I carefully do my research and find the best way to blow the bridge up while dancing on the embers. If I wasn't so financially tied to my career, I would love to be the kind of lawyer you are. Guess I just need to win the lottery.

par_texx48 karma

Therefore, the person who created the AI would be the inventor.

What if the creator of the AI, and the owner are two different people? Wouldn't the rights be assigned to the owner instead of the creator?

Also, how far up the chain do you think that would go? At some point an AI is going to create another AI.... Which really muddles the AI ownership / creator problem.

par_texx38 karma

Alberta just changed their law on workers rights. It’s no longer the right of the worker to refuse unsafe work, but changed to become an obligation.

par_texx35 karma

Would love too, but mortgage, kids, wife.... my wishes are secondary for now to my responsibilities.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my current career path. Just not my number 1 “if money were no object what would you do” idea.

par_texx27 karma

The footprints in the snow are also a bit of a giveaway.