Highest Rated Comments

paradox28jon179 karma

You had your mom on "The Maria Bamford Show" and now both parents on "the special special special." Any plans on getting your sister Sarah on a video with you?

paradox28jon52 karma

That's amazing.

paradox28jon5 karma

Hi Lisa! I'm a few years older than you and when I saw you in Matinee I immediately developed a teenage crush on you. I'm glad you are doing well with your husband in Virginia. Love the blog, you're a good writer.

Anyway, questions:

  • do you ever catch yourself on TV - like whenever Mrs. Doubtfire is on the TV? If so, do you immediately change the channel?

  • acting and writing are both creative arts. How is the writing subculture very much like or different than the child acting environment?

  • Did you have much interaction with John Goodman on the set of Matinee?

  • Given your shy nature and that you're actually a smart person, do you really think - had you continued an acting career - that you'd become a stereotypical train wreck child actor? Natalie Portmand and Emma Watson seem to have sailed through fine; I use as examples.

paradox28jon2 karma

Thanks for the reply! And that last sentence totally resonates. Trying to find your authentic you is an important thing.

paradox28jon2 karma

Who are some of your personal favorite writers?