Highest Rated Comments

pas4699 karma

It already comes across that you love your job. How many years in combat roles do you have to have under your belt before being considered?

pas4640 karma

I have to ask, have you ever had a situation when you thought, that was too close ! and that moment you felt your heart skip a beat?

pas4614 karma

Hi and thank you for doing the post. I have a question in regard to Autism and sound. I understand that there is a room where sound is completely blocked out, has any studies been carried out in regard to the effect that sound and vibration has on autism. I hope my question makes sense?

pas468 karma

Hi Damien, thank you for the work that you and others do. I have a direct question. Have you ever approached any security industry companies for funding or equipment? You could possibly sell them on the PR value. I know they have particular business models, but as I said, it might be worth the approach, even for free second hand equipment.

pas468 karma

Could I ask, what do you think the approach of the security services should be, in regard to preventing young muslims joining the current conflict, in the middle east in particular? UK question here.