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paul_h34 karma

Scotland checking in: at age 50 got a letter and a sample kit.then a reminder after 6 weeks I’d not done it. Complied. Results back as blood in stool. I saw nothing ever, TBH. Colposcopy - polyp removed with tatoo (and no sedation just because they said I could at any stage if I wanted). Now I’m due mail-in blood in stool tests every two years. Watched it all on camera. Bowel prep was ok. Two years before I’d had a routine one in the USA that found nothing. These things can come fast :(

paul_h6 karma

University of Wisconsin showed surgical masks (50% effectiveness) could be boosted to 90% with “mask fitters” - https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.12.31.20249101v1.full.pdf

I can't find the c-section study. I mean there are plenty in my search results with c-section in them but they're not the one you're alluding to. I'd like to read it and maybe add it to https://its-airborne.org/covid19-timeline

paul_h3 karma

What do you think of Zeynep Tufekci pointing the contradiciton with the advice we citizens hear on masks?

Ref: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/17/opinion/coronavirus-face-masks.html

paul_h2 karma

Science spent a while briefing against masks, and I didn’t trust them at the time. Vaccines? - jab me baby - any of the available ones ASAP

paul_h2 karma

Zarch was coded in C instead of assembler for the Archimedes - is that right ? It was a maverick move back in the '87 I heard. Is there anything about that moment that's worth sharing?

Did you ever come across TAOS from Tantric Ltd? What did you think of the prospects for it/them back in 1992 (or so)?