Highest Rated Comments

pedal-force283 karma

Do the drivers get to ride in the cab when they lift the entire truck to dump the potatoes in?

pedal-force203 karma

Lame. Stupid OSHA taking away all the fun.

pedal-force41 karma

I'm an electrical PE and sometimes get random linked in people asking me to testify as an expert. Are these people insane or did I miss my calling?

pedal-force10 karma

I already make good money, and I'm super specialized at this point, in something that probably isn't that helpful for lawyers.

pedal-force8 karma

A taco bell near here (that we mostly stopped going to because there's one a few minutes further but much faster and less busy) started doing this. They just have you pull around so now there's 5 cars waiting at the door instead of in the line. It's so stupid.