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perfectworthlessdove5 karma

Silly question about the woodblock other musical gags, because they're used so extensively in season 4. There's a lot of interesting gags that you only get after you've watched it through twice. For example, Lucille hums Getaway in Tobias's first episode and we hear the woodblock after George Michael says privacy early on in the first episode. Did some of them get added very late, or were you presented with a lot of footage out of order with context given and then it was pieced together later by editors?

perfectworthlessdove3 karma

Hi David! I love your work so much. I have a question about the reuse of your songs in the course of the show. For instance, Shot by Love is first heard in Burning Love but then we hear it again later as ambient noise when GOB and Tony have their meeting in the Gothic Castle. A more prevalent season four example - Practice Kisses is heard briefly in episode seven and then we hear it again as Steve Holt(!)'s ringtone, when George-Michael and Rebel meet, and when we see the military at the frozen yogurt shop. Are you with these choices every step of the way, or are these sometimes choices Mitch makes first? When do you decide to make a new song for ambient noise versus reusing an old one for world building?

perfectworthlessdove3 karma

I know I sure am.

. . .for the record that's not really a joke I'm actually super gay

perfectworthlessdove2 karma

I have another silly question about The Magic Show (that musical Tony Wonder is so obsessed with.) Do you have any related musical cues coming up in the future with it? I looked it up with some friends after I saw A New Attitude and I just think it's the funniest thing.

perfectworthlessdove2 karma

I hope so! That episode was. . .
