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phoenixbbs16 karma

Or they don't want to be sued by one of the biggest companies in the world... That old saying about tugging the tail of a tiger...

phoenixbbs15 karma

Is there anything you've ever flat-out refused to do ?

Was it primarily a source of income to live, or could you be choosy about your clientele ?

What's the scariest situation you've found yourself in, and was it also the most dangerous in reality ?

phoenixbbs14 karma

Have you had any "that was the last thing I expected" moments ?

phoenixbbs6 karma

Should advisors be subject to more scrutiny, given their influence and unelected status ?

Should "special advisors" be allowed at all, when the government have experts already in place in the relevant departments ?

Should ministers be allowed to wear hidden earpieces as spotted recently on Mr Johnson, which allows them to repeat something they have no grasp of (like the works of 'renowned' virologist, Dominic Cummings)

Should special advisors be forced to sit in the house of commons and be subject to scrutiny by select committees, given that they are the people who cause many of the problems ?

Who do you think has been the best orator in the HoC over the last few years?

Should "think tanks" be banned ?

Which MPs do you think are most untrustworthy, and / or are guilty of deliberately misleading the HoC, possibly to the point of criminal negligence ?

phoenixbbs4 karma

I've seen people refer to adrenal overload (or similar) in people who've been subject to high levels of stress for a long time, but I don't think it's recognized as a "real" condition.

Do you think it exists and should be recognised as a legitimate condition ?